
Topocean Consolidation Service (S) Pte. Ltd. ( “TCS” ) is a dynamic affiliate of “The Topocean Group” of Companies with corporate head office in Los Angeles, U.S.A. and overseas offices in San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, New York, London, Rotterdam, Taipei, Kaoshiung, Hongkong, PRC China, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Bangkok, Port Kelang, Penang and Singapore. In the rest of Europe, Australia, South America, West Asia and the rest of Asian countries, we work with reliable partner-agents to provide dependable international shipping, freight forwarding, custom brokerage and logistics management services to our satisfied international clienteles whom have continuously used our services.

As a Group, we are in IATA( International Air Transport Agents ) appointed member as well as an FMC( Federal Maritime Commission, U.S.A. ) licensed freight forwarder and bonded O.T.I. ( Ocean Transport Intermediaries ) & N.V.O.C.C.( Non-Vessels Operating On Common Carrier ). In Singapore, we are a Member of the SAAA( Singapore Aircargo Agents’ Association ) and SLA( Singapore Logistics Association ) and is authorised to issue our own airwaybills and bill of ladings. For Oceanfreight businesses we trade under - “Topocean Consolidation Service (S) Pte. Ltd.”specializes in Warehousing, Distributions, Logistics & Supply Chain Management Services.


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Company address

237 Pandan Loop # 07-04, Westech Building
128424, Singapore

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Air FreightSea FreightCharters Air & SeaTime CriticalCustoms BrokerageWarehousing

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